I  appreciate a woman who loves to see her man succeed .
Every man has potentials in him that can make him great; they are like seeds that need to be watered. Inspiring your man to be the best he can be is not the same as abandoning your own potentials as an individual; it just means you are making him the best so he can encourage you to be the best too.
An inspired man feels the freedom to reach the fullest potential of the man God has created him to be. Did you know that big tough man of yours longs to be admired? He desires for someone to think he’s brave and brilliant, loving and logical, tough and tender handsome and humorous, masculine and magical. That’s the stuff of your man’s dreams.
What does it mean to adore your man? Basically, it means to love him with all your heart, and let him know about it.
George Eliot once said, "I like not only to be loved, but to be told I am loved."
 Do you want to see your man’s face light up like a full moon? Tell him you are amazed that you know how much he loves and respect you, or that you are impressed by his level of understanding, then sit back and watch him glow.
Dr. Willard Harley says, "When a woman tells a man she thinks he’s wonderful, that inspires him to achieve more.
 He sees himself as capable of handling new responsibilities and perfecting skills far above those of his present level. That inspiration helps him prepare for the responsibilities of life. Admiration not only motivates, it also rewards the man existing achievements. When she tells him that she appreciates him for what he has done, it gives him more satisfaction than he receives from his paycheck. A woman needs to appreciate her man for what he already is, not for what he could become, if he lived up to her standards. For some men those with fragile self-images admiration also help them believe in themselves, without it these men seem inherently more defensive about their shortcomings. While criticism causes men to become defensive, admiration energizes and motivates them. A man expects and needs his woman to be his most enthusiastic fan, he draws confidence from her support and can usually achieve far more with her. When you believe in him, he is secure. He can take steps required to surmount all his fears and he can bear up under pressure, pioneer new territories and take new frontiers. 
An inspired man feels the freedom to reach his fullest potential as a man. He’s not merely encouraged, he is empowered to conquer. 
  1. Respect him: Respect is a big deal for men! When he feels disrespected, he feels threatened and put down; and it’s a big blow on his ego and confidence. Not like you turn yourself into a doormat, no. Respect him.
 2. Speak positively: Your words could make or break your man. When he makes a mistake, don’t make it worse by blaming him and destroying whatever is left of his dignity as a man. Use your words to encourage and build him up at all times.
 3. Appreciate his efforts: When he does things for you, appreciate it; he constantly wants to please you so appreciate the little things he does as much as the big things. Praise him in private and in public and when he gets things right or when he does things for you or your kids without being asked. It’s his responsibility? Yes, but not all men carry out theirs.
 4. Listen to him: Listen to his ideas, visions, targets, plans and goals and try to work with him without judging. If you don’t understand fully what his plans are, catch up with him, read about it, surf the internet and ask questions am sure he would be more than ready to fill you in. Be genuinely interested in his ideas and goals and be enthusiastic about it. Be his cheerleader.
 5. Buy him things that would encourage his dreams and visions: Whether it’s a book, tool or gadgets, when you have the opportunity, buy him things in line with his skills and dreams. He would definitely want to make you proud of him because he can see you want him to be the best.
6. Don’t nag him: Hello! As women, sometimes we feel the need to continuously remind our man about doing something or not making a mistake or whatever, that’s the way we see it, but to men,I It’s nagging! Nagging puts pressure on him; you’re supposed to be his greatest ally and not his adversary. If there something he does that you don’t like gently tell him or look for ways you can help him. For instance, if you don’t like the way he dresses. Buy him clothes and he would wear them and appreciate them. About the dressing, I know it can be frustrating telling him over and over not to wear stripe on stripe, but you just have to my dear.
 7. Ask him questions: Sometimes your man might have some expectations that you might never know till you ask the right questions. Ask him how he thinks you can help him get better at his job or in taking care of your family. For example ask him questions like this; “If I could do one thing that would really empower and inspire you, what would it be?” Then listen, don’t be defensive or argue, just listen and follow through. This would go a long way for him because he can see that you are interested in his success.
8. Reassure him of your love constantly: “Say you love me to my face, I need it more than your embrace”, always let him know you love him the most. Go further to show it whether it is spending time with him, doing things for him, affirming him or buying him gifts. Always find ways to tell him you love him and are proud of him.
The praise and encouragement of women inspires men to believe in themselves. In a sense, women hold the key to unlocking a man’s potential. 


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